[UK-CONTEST] Top Band Distance Challenge...

Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk
Sun Jan 5 10:11:53 EST 2003

Dave Sergeant wrote:
>Although no RST is required most people did send it. However the 
>contest robot does need two columns of RSTs in the Cabrillo log you 
>submit. The updated version of Super Duper did not do this and the 
>robot threw my log out the first time until I edited them in. Confusion 
As a newcomer to HF contesting, I definitely was confused by conflicting 
statements in contest rules about the treatment of Cabrillo logs.

Browsing through the rules for other contests world-wide, the RSGB 
General Rules are neither the best nor the worst in this regard. General 
Rule 4b says that "duplicate contacts must be logged, with zero points 
claimed" - but the Cabrillo format deliberately makes no provision for 
either marking dupes or claiming points, because the computerised deals 
with all that.

The clearest rules have separate sections for paper logs, Cabrillo logs 
and non-Cabrillo electronic logs. The rules for paper logs may include 
penalties for unmarked dupes etc, but the Cabrillo bit should not. If 
all logs are converted into Cabrillo format for checking, then it seems 
that traditional dupe rules can disappear - in which case it would be a 
good thing to say so.

It may take several years until all contestants realise that it is now 
safe to work someone again, and certainly easier than to argue about 
"QSO B4"... and clearer contest rules would certainly help with this 

Have I got this right? Perhaps Tim can publish a clarification in his 

73 from Ian G3SEK

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