Donald Field g3xtt at lineone.net
Sun Jan 12 06:31:49 EST 2003

Exactly my point. SDI logs are great (I'll be using SD this afternoon for
AFS - great program). But the IOTA .LOG files weren't strictly
"RSGB-compliant". To use Paul's words (below), SDI .LOG files  are "The
compromise for IOTA, agreed with Don's predecessors". In other words, there
has had to be exactly the sort of flexibility that we will now be looking
for in Cabrillo. Those who lament the death of a clear RSGB format, need to
remember that compromises had to be made. I think both Paul and I are
singing from the same hymn sheet here. The confusion (which makes my point
for me!) is what is meant by "RSGB format", to which the answer is "it
depends". I have never questioned Paul's support for RSGB contests, which is

Hope this finally clears up any misunderstandings.

73 Don G3XTT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul O'Kane" <paul at ei5di.com>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] CABRILLO (again!)

> Don G3XTT said,
> > But the .LOG and .SUM format has changed slightly with
> > different versions of the software and doesn't, strictly,
> > conform to the published RSGB format (just as well, as
> > that didn't allow five-character references for the exchange,
> > so IOTA refs get truncated!).
> I've explained to Don that the RSGB format has been broken
> since the IOTA contest started in 1993, in that the
> multiplier claimed field, 4 characters, could not hold a
> full IOTA reference.
> The compromise for IOTA, agreed with Don's predecessors, was
> to insert a "band serial" in the multiplier field - 1 for the
> first multiplier on each band, 2 for the second etc. - and to
> record the full IOTA reference later in the record.  As such,
> SDI has been fully compliant with RSGB requirements.
> For all other RSGB contests with multipliers, SD meets, and has
> met, the RSGB format in all respects. Starting with AFS, today,
> SD supports Cabrillo logs for RSGB contests - and I'm working
> with Don to finalise the specs for Cabrillo summary records in
> the IOTA contest.
> 73,
> Paul EI5DI
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