Dave Sergeant dsergeant at btinternet.com
Mon Jul 14 05:08:16 EDT 2003

If you thought it was hard going with 100W, think of those of use 
running 5W QRP! Conditions were decidedly mediocre, and because of 
other commitments I missed the last 3 hours which were probably the 
best. Very little worked in the way of DX, or even heard. And because 
this contest does not have a QRP section there was little incentive 
for me. I did however work more than I expected, but only got GB5HQ 
on three slots (160, 80, 40 CW). Operating time 10 hours.

Callsign       : G3YMC
Claimed Score  : 37293 
Section SO AB CW

Rig: Elecraft K2, power 5W, antenna 60 ft long wire

                        160m  80m  40m  20m  15m  10m  Total

    Valid QSOs:    1      10     39     47     42    30     169
   Total Mults:      1      10     24     20     23    15      93
  Total Points:      1      12     81   119   122    66     401

73 Dave G3YMC

dsergeant at btinternet.com

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