Dave Sergeant dsergeant at btinternet.com
Mon May 26 05:21:24 EDT 2003

Callsign       : G3YMC
Claimed Score  : 391140 
Single/Multi Op: Single
Section        : QRP
Rig - Elecraft K2, antenna long wire
Operating time: 35 hours 19 minutes
Contest Exchange (Zone, District) : 
                160m  80m  40m  20m  15m  10m  Total

    Valid QSOs:    3   57  194  223  138   62   677
   Total Mults:    2   32  122  112   39   11   318
  Total Points:    6  119  508  291  216   90  1230

A marathon of a weekend and very enjoyable. In the weeks before the 
contest I had visions of it being a propagation washout, and it 
certainly wasn't good with nothing worked in the far east or west 
coast US. Remember it is much harder for us QRP chaps with wire 
antennas when the sunspots are misbehaving. Certainly on Saturday I 
though the chances of 10m propagation were nil - I was wrong, and was 
surprised it was open till late evening on Sunday.

This was also a logistics exercise to prepare me for CQWW and I 
managed very nearly the full 36 hours allowed in SO. Not quite to 
plan, I went for a few hours sleep around 1030 pm on Saturday with 
the intention of restarting around 0100z - I opened my eyes at 0300z!

Apologies to Nigel G3TXF for the scatchy QSO on 40 - the QRN plays 
havoc with QRP! I QSOd A61AR just a few minutes later down there, the 
mysteries of QRP!

73 Dave G3YMC

dsergeant at btinternet.com

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