Smith, Colin R (UK Edinburgh) colin.r.smith at baesystems.com
Thu Aug 5 09:09:10 EDT 2004

Comments on the points raised by Don and Jim.....

>>Don,G3BJ wrote  "I think the guys in the UK on a "unique" multiplier have a
>>distinct advantage when it comes to volume of Qs"

There is certainly an advantage but perhaps not quite so big as some may think!

The following are comments on some things Jim MM0BQI said-->

>Not sure I agree with this at all! If people can't hear you they can't work
>you!  We managed 600Qs with 100w and an HF6V vertical.  We spent hours calling
>and could not be heard and always had a problem keeping the frequency clear.

It's a problem keeping the frequency clear with 100W in any contest - not just IOTA!
I know exactly how it feels as I run 100W and a wire from home and was SO12CWLP in
IOTA this year.   It was hard work!

>The guys with the stack of Alphas have it much easier and maintained some
>sort of run when we were working nil. It is amazing just how much of a
>difference running high power at these levels makes (never knew 6dB(?)
>could have such an effect!).

I'm glad you put a question mark after the 6dB figure Jim.   Yes, Alphas DO make it
easier but you will find that generally, those using them also use monoband yagis
or tri-banders at up to 60ft agl (instead of wires & verticals) which means that,
rather than 6dB, the combined improvement is nearer 12dB!   That's why there is
such a difference.

>We felt we could have made the same number of Qs from home, (150 miles
>south, in Edinburgh) with a lot less effort and expense.

Probably, but which is more fun?

>After operating for four years as a unique on EU92 in the contest my
>conclusion is that it offers no advantage. You are limited equipment wise to
>what the small boat can carry and the location is always a compromise.

Yes there is an equipment limit for you but I seem to recall a trip, by you me
and David GM4WLL, to Tanera Mor on the same boat ("MV Lady Patricia") in September
2000 which included an elevated HF vertical, a tribander @ 20ft agl, several other
wires/masts, 2 x 14ele for 144MHz, a 6ele 70MHz yagi and a 3ele 50MHz yagi.
Therefore, I'm sure you could manage to squeeze more antennas than just wires and
a vertical on the boat if you really wanted to!

>The scoring issue should be re-visited. IOTA contest is supposed to be about
>contacting island stations.  We have to make the island stations more
>accessible and desirable to work.

Island stations ARE already desireable to work.   All you have to do is look at
the results tables to see that if you don't work the island mults you don't
stand a chance.  Pretty much like my entry this year  $#!?

>Small portable stations cannot compete for Qs and spectrum space with a high
>power landlocked contest station working non island stations at 100 per hour.

That's why small stations have their own sections in the results tables.

>Maybe it is time to make a definite decision that IOTA will be about working
>Island stations, not running EU at 100 an hour but seeking out and working
>Island stations.

Anyone working only non-island stations at 100 per hour is losing the
contest because those working island stations at more than 20 per hour are
scoring more points AND getting additional mults at the same time!   If that
doesn't show IOTA is about working island stations, nothing will!

>My proposal would be to have non island Qs at 1 point (if at all) and island
>Qs at 15.

Sorry, I don't agree.  I think the points ratio is about right as it stands.

I've seen IOTA both Multi-Multi entries (GM2T, GM5A and GM4V) and as a
single-op from home with 100W and wires.  Either way I think it is a great
contest and the organisers should receive hearty congratulations.  My only
complaints are that (1) there always seems to be an aurora on IOTA weekend and
(2) I didn't get enough mults this year!

I hope you all enjoyed IOTA 2004 despite conditions.

73 Colin (GM0CLN) 

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