[UK-CONTEST] FT-1000MP improvements

Bob Henderson bob at cytanet.com.cy
Sun Aug 22 06:52:49 EDT 2004

I haven't yet seen any 3rd party measurements illustrating the performance
of this filter but would expect to see a quite dramatic improvement in close
in IMD.

What I expect to see reported is that IMD performance inside the stock
roofing filter b/w but outside the Inrad roofing filter b/w improves by 10
db or better.  The other side of the coin will be what happens to IMD inside
the Inrad filter b/w (very close in performance).  Here there will likely be
some deterioration as a result of the added amplification.

I would think this modification will have far greater benefit for phone
operators than for CW folks.  You don't get that many large ssb signals
inside a 4 kHz b/w but outside your receive b/w.  By comparison, 4 kHz is a
football field on CW!  That's not to say there won't be any worthwhile
benefit for CW use.

Bob, 5B4AGN

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