Andy swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Tue Aug 24 05:16:02 EDT 2004


No-one admitting to a weekend of rtty then?

I did about 16 hours 352 valid qsos and 454355 points all bands (well
80/40/20 and just a bit of 15) and 199 qsos 114745 points on 20 only.

It would be nice to see more contests which had a wire antennas only
section like the DLDXRTTY in July  - give us small fry more of a chance
of competing on a level field!

Anyone playing in the JASTA sstv contest?  It's running the whole of
august as I found out when checking the radio last week for the first
time this month!  Never mind I'll remember it for next year!  Some nice
activity, seems to be quite a few YBs around.  Also  nice to work ZP5ALI
last night for a new one.


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