Jim Martin - MM0BQI MM0BQI at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Aug 26 03:34:16 EDT 2004

A very 'operator friendly' contest split into three eight hour sessions over
the weekend. Managed to operate for ten hours with some good DX available
including ZL on 40m.
I am a little concerned about the MP as the fan switches on after a few CQ
calls and the rig runs very hot.  I wonder if any CW contesters suffer the
same problem?  This even happens on 40m where the antenna is 1:1. Most of
the operating was S+P as it was hard to maintain a run frequency on the busy
bands and the prospect of damaging the TX kept operations to a minimum!
The band map was fed by the new GB7XDX cluster based in Stirling which
worked very well and helped me to bag a few new RTTY band-countries.  Nice
to hear and work GM4FDM and GM8OEG as for me the GM multiplier is sometimes
the most difficult!
Great fun as always, SCC RTY this weekend then all eyes on CQWW last weekend
in September.
For anyone interested in trying RTTY contesting all you need is a PC with a
soundcard. A web search for MMTTY and AA5AU will give you most of the
resources required to get started.

Station: FT100MP MK5, 40w output, 40m dipole at 6m agl.
N1MM software with MMTTY
 Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   Sec
     7      58    605   28    4
    14     137   1510   41    9
    21      21    265   13    3
    28       2     30    2    0
 Total     218   2410   84   16
Score: 241,000
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