[UK-CONTEST] 80m CC - Phone

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Mon Jan 12 17:53:20 EST 2004

The first 80m Club Championship contest last Monday seems to have
been very well received (despite the auroral conditions).

The next session is SSB, on Wednesday 20.00-21.30UTC, on
3.650-3.750MHz. Full rules on are on    www.rsgbhfcc.org

So far 56 logs have been received for the CW leg. The majority have
been in Cabrillo format, for which many thanks. Remember that
Paul EI5DI has generously opened up SD so that it is freeware for 
these contests and AFS. The latest version of SD of course produces 
a Cabrillo file, so please make sure you have the latest version by 
downloading from     www.ei5di.com

We're working to automate the processing of logs as much as 
possible, in order to get the results out quickly. To help the 
automation, please make sure that every log:

1. Contains the call you used in the CALLSIGN: header field.
Please note that general rule 7 means that you cannot use
special prefixes (GB, GX, GC etc.)

2. Indicates the section in the header as either
- other items can appear in the CATEGORY: line as well, if
that's what the software generates. The important thing is to 
indicate QRP for output power up to 10w, or LOW up to 100w.
100w is the maximum you can run in this contest.

3. Indicates which club you are operating for. Please try to 
ensure that all club members spell the club name the same.

With thanks in advance for your co-operation

Dave G4BUO
HF Contests Committee

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