[UK-CONTEST] G4OBK/P 10m QRP Contacts
Phil Catterall G4OBK
g4obk at philcatterall.plus.com
Wed Jun 9 14:41:01 EDT 2004
For Chris G3SJJ and anyone else interested, these were our 7 QSOs on 10m:
QSO: 28028 CW 2004-06-05 1531 G4OBK/P 599 001 G3TBK/P 599
QSO: 28019 CW 2004-06-05 1532 G4OBK/P 599 002 G4NOK/P 599 026
QSO: 28028 CW 2004-06-05 1533 G4OBK/P 599 003 S53Z/P 599
QSO: 28026 CW 2004-06-06 0926 G4OBK/P 599 335 LY3BA 599
QSO: 28019 CW 2004-06-06 0927 G4OBK/P 599 336 UA2FZ 599
QSO: 28019 CW 2004-06-06 0929 G4OBK/P 599 337 G4AKR/P 599
QSO: 28025 CW 2004-06-06 0941 G4OBK/P 599 345 LY2LF 599
We tuned over 10m numerous times and this is all we heard and worked from
North Yorkshire. No other G portables were heard. (255' doublet antenna
orientated 90/270 degs which can't help much on 10m for inter G). G4AKR/P
was located just outside Scarborough I later found out. G3TBK/P I think is
in Lincs and G4NOK/P is in Wakefield, West Yorks area.
I enjoyed reading the comprehensive report from G4BRA/P on their website.
Thanks for that to Dave G3YMC.
73 Phil
Phil Catterall (G4OBK, GD4OBK, GM4OBK,
Ham Radio Website: http://www.qsl.net/g4obk
e-mail: g4obk at philcatterall.plus.com
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