Donald Field
g3xtt at lineone.net
Tue Jun 22 06:23:33 EDT 2004
I think in this case we're talking not about size of signal, but about
contesting and CW experience Neil.
----- Original Message -----
From: "g3rir demon" <g3rir at ackerley24.demon.co.uk>
To: "'Donald Field'" <g3xtt at lineone.net>; <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 11:19 AM
Subject: RE: [UK-CONTEST] QRS Etc
> In any case what is the definition of the "big boys" ?
> My antenna for 80m is a centre-fed dipole and runs just a little N of
> East and a little S of West; it is about 40 feet high at the centre and
> one end is about 5 feet from the ground to a garden cane at the edge of
> the front open plan garden but in a straight line, the other end goes to
> a tree about 15 feet high behind my garden fence but this is about 20
> feet short of the required length. The wire is then bent back and runs
> under the main wire to about 5 feet from the ground.
> I ensure that the antenna resonates at which ever part of the band is
> needed by using my MFJ Gizmo (brilliant device) and folding or unfolding
> the last few feet at each end of the wire. The antenna is fed by thin
> coax (UR76) with no balun and I get better than 1.2 : 1 at the radio.
> The ground is good solid midland clay (this may be factor, gardening is
> very difficult but it might help rf). I have no ground radials and only
> have one earth spike earthing my small tower. A fairly short piece of
> tubing fixed to a bracket on the back of the house would be just as good
> as my tower for a support for a wire antenna.
> I cannot achieve "top echelon" in these cc80 contests but I am not far
> behind using 100w to an antenna which many can achieve.
> Neil, G3RIR
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