No subject

Thu Nov 4 17:03:54 EST 2004

CW/SSB because each time I enter a QSO into Turbolog, up comes
the previous year's QSO. Whilst the ARRL are not part of my personal
contest calendar, I usually reckon I must have worked in the event last year
because it is in the same month. (Ask me later in the year when ARRL is
and I probably wouldn't know!

Again, the point I am making is that with so many domestic events to choose
from, *compared with other Eu countries* then many of us will be quite happy
to make a few QSOs, even a few hundred QSOs, but just do not wish to
consider it as an entry.  It is a culture one possible way round it would be
reduce the large portfolio of domestic events and encompass some others.

----- Original Message -----
From: Lee Volante <lee at>
To: UK Reflector <uk-contest at>
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] G numbers

> Hi Chris,
> > You cannot expect people to support this extensive range of domestic
> events
> > as well as being enthusiastic about ARRL, WPX, IARU and CQWW.
> > I have always maintained (much to the disgust of certain HFCC members)
> that
> > the average UK contester will choose no more than 6 events to
> in.
> Surely from the numbers below it indicates that UK contesters (and the
> casual ops who would not claim to be contesters) actually *did* find time
> get on in the contest, and make at least a few Q's.   There are more Gx
> working W3LPL than for a lot of our domestic events. From the last couple
> year's results there was actually a good sizeable entry from the usual
> from the UK, and also some very good results too !
> So I'd argue that the die-hard UK contesters are getting on for this, and
> also we can produce some very good scores internationally.   I believe the
> point Dave is trying to make is how to get the other UK participants (80%
> the total?) in a position to sumbit a log.    This means simplifying the
> process, making it easier and understandable.   How many of these folks
> even seen the rules?
> In the past Dave has drawn a good analogy with the D68C expedition, and
> 'how to DX' article in RadCom which we know generated many QSOs and
> for those that didn't really know how to start.   Isn't there a similar
> of people out there who need something similar for contesting ?
> The problem is not participation, it's getting these folk to submit logs
> ARRL so when the results come out it makes these contests themselves, and
> our UK participation, more accurately reflect the actual activity and
> interest in the contest (which will be good for the continuation of our
> sport in the long run.)    Currently most people will see the results and
> think that 20 or 30 people entered the contest from the UK, and only a few
> will realise the real extent.
> Ok, so you may have your logs in TL.  Many of the casual entrants will
> logged straight to their main station paper log, or to a computer log that
> may not yet output in Cabrillo.   That's the problem to now overcome.
> QSO Counts By Band-Country (10 or more QSOs on any band)
> PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10
> G            13          50          65         256        177        207
> GI                          1                        11          10
> GM           2           6          13          35          23          29
> GW           1         10          12          36          25          26
> 73,
> Lee.

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