cq at philcatterall.plus.com
Mon Mar 14 08:04:19 EST 2005
Hi All
Interesting to read the comments from entrants in BERU - these are mine, edited from my log soapbox:
CLAIMED-SCORE: 5300 (24 hour Open Section)
X-RADIOS: Single Yaesu FT1000MP Acom 1000
X-ANTENNAS: Tennadyne T10 Log periodic up 18m
X-ANTENNAS: HF2V (40m) 1/4 Wave Vert (80m) & Beverages east and west 450 feet long.
Used SDC(WIN). Great program (Thanks Paul EI5DI) no problems and terrific clean keying when configured to Winkey via Josef's (OM7ZZ) Microkeyer. As I expected I couldn't stay awake and took my meals out of the shack so I was QRV for 19 hours. I seem to lack the committment in contests these days to stay awake and to concentrate. BERU is the toughest and most challenging contest in the RSGB Calendar. I was glad when it stopped and it made me realise that these days I am more of a DXer than a dyed in the wool contester! There was a very good long path opening to VK/ZL between 08-09z on 20m and condx were good for this part of the sunspot cycle. Log comments:
` 80m 40m 20m 15m 10m Total
Valid QSOs: 34 66 109 59 14 282
Bonus: 22 48 68 43 14 195
Total Points: 170 330 545 290 65 1400
73 Phil G4OBK
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