Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Mar 18 06:25:08 EST 2005

SD's keyer memories are set up in two groups - and may be
reconfigured at any time.

The defaults:
F1 to F4 are used when you're running (calling CQ).
  F1 sends your CQ message (Own Call)
  F2 sends the exchange (typically Other Call, RST, Serial)
  F3 sends acknowledgement (typically TU Own Call)
  F4 sends the "dupe" message.
     I work them, so it's the same as F2.

I believe that is all more-or-less "standard".

However, F5 and F6 are set up for searching and pouncing
  F5 sends your own call (in response to a CQ)
  F6 sends TU + exchange (in reply to a received exchange).

In summary, as SD does not itself switch between Run and Search
modes, users need to be aware of what "mode" they're in and, if
they're replying to a CQ, use F6 for the exchange.

Maybe there's a better way - please let me know.

Paul EI5DI

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