[UK-CONTEST] Too many contests.

Darren GØTSM uk-contest at g0tsm.com
Mon Oct 24 16:26:41 EDT 2005

At 18:37 24/10/2005, you wrote:
>Ladies & Gentlemen,
>Don't get me wrong.  I am not anti contests.  I 
>am sure many of you have heard me over the 
>years. Why else would I subscribe to this 
>reflector if I wasn't interested?  It is just 
>that over the last few years they seem to have 
>escalated to a point where it just seems like 
>overkill.  We have contests running every 
>weekend.  Though some of you deny this!
>I have just had a look at the latest copy of QST 
>and see for November the following contests are listed:-
>Nov 5-6 Ukraine Contest
>Nov 12-13 OK/OM Contest
>Nov 19-20 LZ Contest
>Nov 26-27 CQWW

Most of the Spider DXClusters are linked to 
sk3bg's contest database, a SH/CONTEST 2005NOV comes up with.....

1- 7  Tue 0000 - Mon 2400  HA-QRP Contest - CW
  3     Thu 1800 - 2100      SSA 10 m Aktivitetstest - CW/SSB/FM
  5     Sat 0600 - 1000      IPA Radio Club Contest (1) - CW
  5- 6  Sat 1200 - Sun 1200  Ukrainian DX Contest - CW/SSB/RTTY
  5     Sat 1400 - 1800      IPA Radio Club Contest (2) - CW
  5- 7  Sat 2100 - Mon 0300  ARRL Sweepstakes - CW
  5- 7  Sat 2100 - Mon 0300  NA Collegiate ARC Championship - CW
     6  Sun 0600 - 1000      IPA Radio Club Contest (3) - SSB
     6  Sun 0900 - 1100      High Speed Club CW Contest (1) - CW
     6  Sun 1100 - 1700      DARC 10 m Digital Contest "Corona" - DIGI
     6  Sun 1400 - 1800      IPA Radio Club Contest (4) - SSB
     6  Sun 1500 - 1700      High Speed Club CW Contest (2) - CW
  8     Tue 0200 - 0400      ARS Spartan Sprint November - CW
12-13  Sat 0000 - Sun 2359  Worked All Europe DX-Contest - RTTY
12-13  Sat 0700 - Sun 1300  Japan International DX Contest - Phone
12     Sat 1100 - 1200      SL Contest - CW
12-13  Sat 1200 - Sun 1200  OK/OM DX Contest - CW
12     Sat 1230 - 1330      SL Contest - SSB
    13  Sun 1400 - 1500      SSA Månadstest nr 11 - CW
    13  Sun 1515 - 1615      SSA Månadstest nr 11 - SSB
18     Fri 1600 - 2200      YO International PSK31 Contest - PSK31
19-20  Sat 1200 - Sun 1200  LZ DX Contest - CW/SSB
19     Sat 1500 - 1700      EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party (1) - CW
19-20  Sat 1600 - Sun 0700  All Austrian DX Contest 160 m - CW
19     Sat 1800 - 2000      EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party (2) - CW
19-21  Sat 2100 - Mon 0300  ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
19-21  Sat 2100 - Mon 0300  NA Collegiate ARC Championship - SSB
19-20  Sat 2100 - Sun 0100  RSGB 1.8 MHz Contest - CW
    20  Sun 0700 - 0900      EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party (3) - CW
    20  Sun 1000 - 1200      EUCW Fraternizing CW QSO Party (4) - CW
    20  Sun 1300 - 1700      HOT Party - CW
26-27  Sat 0000 - Sun 2400  CQ WW DX Contest - CW
26-27  Sat 0000 - Sun 2359  *?* CQ WW SWL Challenge - CW

73 Darren G0TSM


>Now let me see.... Off the top of my head each 
>year we have two legs of the ARRL Contest. Two 
>legs of the WPX Contest. The IARU, IOTA, NFD, F, 
>SAC, WAE, PA, ON, EA, I, SP, HB and various 
>Russian contests.  I think I had better stop or I might reach 52!
>Now try planning a DXpedition or IOTA activation!
>Be honest.  How many of you seriously go in for 
>all those contest above?  Ignoring the BIG ones.
>It's time for some culling.  Maybe more people 
>will return to the bands and have good old rag 
>chews which is what Amateur radio is all about isn't it?
>Jim G3RTE
>UK-Contest mailing list
>UK-Contest at contesting.com

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