[UK-CONTEST] SSB Field Day '05

Jim Balls jim at j1mbo.f9.co.uk
Thu Sep 15 04:21:29 EDT 2005

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the reply, I don't see any major changes this year, maybe 
they are due for 2006?

As I read them on the Contest Website, the rules are very vague,  maybe 
under the restricted section it should be made more clear that only 1 
station and 1 antenna may be set up on site within something like a 1/4 
mile radius, I know with the ease of current communications it could 
still be abused by using a remote listening station , maybe even a few 
permanent addresses linking to the contest station via RF but at least 
it takes away the ability to have a "local" search station linked by lan 
and operated by the contest team.

I can now see how they always managed to get so many more mulitpliers 
over us!

Could this be mentioned at the HF Convention, as I guess thats where the 
rules are decided for the contests?

Dave Lawley wrote:

> Hi Jim
> I believe that's what they mean by rule changes for this year. The 
> ability to use cluster has been clarified, ruling out what they did in 
> previous years which was, at the least, questionable.
> 73, Dave G4BUO
> RSGB HF Contests Committee
> -- 
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