Chris Swallow swallow at btconnect.com
Mon Feb 20 17:54:24 EST 2006

I took the decision have a play on  20M as this was my first ARRL in 40
years of radio.

Sat down at the rig just before 1100 and with 150 q's in the log at 1330 it
did not seem to be going anywhere. Had a lunch break and watched some
Olympics got back to the rig at 1515. What a difference operated until 2145
and ended the day with 960 qso and 58 mults. Sunday was good but I appeared
to be running out of people to work. Ended the contest at 2215 ish having
ben called at 2201 by W3DQ to give me DC - last W state and only multiplier
on Sunday.

M7Z Score = 1629/59 = 287k. in 19.75 hours.

Equipment Orion I with v2 software linear and tri-bander at 120 foot.

Chris G3VHB

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