Lee Volante lee at g0mtn.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Feb 25 06:25:05 EST 2006

I don't have any numbers to support it, but my experience says that 
contesters or would be contesters would likely have their first dabble in 
events with a straight key / paddle etc. before making a keying lead.  I 
did.  Many people I know did.

So these people might at first send redundant callsigns because that is what 
they're used to in 'normal' QSOs.  It has been said before DX operations 
also experience the same thing.  Isn't this a possibility too?

Most folk will then learn the normal exchanges from experience - although I 
agree that some do not.  If people then graduate to a software keying 
solution, it seems odd to me that they would then take a backward step and 
start to send a callsign where previously they did not.

>It is now agreed that the contest software involved, and used by a 
>cross-section of people, is responsible.

The other argument mentioned is that Paul EI5DI's software is out of step 
with "industry standard" solutions - and folk are pressing F2 out of habit 
during S+P, which in SD as standard sends a callsign. From what I know, the 
majority of the people using SD (excluding the experienced people who 
'correctly' send just their RST and report) in the CC will have little 
knowledge of the "industry standard."   Many many people use SD to begin 
with, as it offers complete support and is easy to get used to.  With no 
disrespect to Paul, I propose that far more people with experience of 
several contest loggers will change FROM SD, than change TO SD as they start 
to want bandmaps, on the fly speed changes etc.  So I had a little trouble 
accepting the quoted "sole reason" for this problem.

> Loads of the -uggers this time. We're going backwards.

Chris has said several times that this wasn't a complaint about new 
contesters and more regular entrants also did the same which is fair enough.

So are we seeing the experienced G3 / G4 guys who use different software are 
now picking up SD for the first time, and sending the redundant information? 
We all occasionally make mistakes - but the instances have increased so much 
that Chris felt the need to comment on it. So what has changed collectively 
amongst the participants since last year to cause this?  I'm using SD, and 
pressing the same buttons just like last year.

I propose the problem is due to a mix of new contesters *and* inexperienced 
PC-keying contesters - and we all have a responsibility to address this 
carefully with our own local club members and friends.  I think the progress 
of this thread has had to back away from 'blaming' groups of people to 
blaming software, as it was perceived initially as a blunt complaint, but in 
reality it will more likely be a mixture of both.



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