j kellaway jkellaway at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 3 13:41:28 EST 2006

I think if I lived in Scotland or even northern G and had the space I would go for a wire beam with reflector behind and not underneath the driven element firing south of course.  In fact I would do that from where I am now in the SE but firing north but alas no room.  I would even do that if I lived down in the good old West Country.  Getting that 3dB gain on receive on the weak stations is what it is all about.

In think the guy who said he was thinking of using an inverted L instead of his wire wrapped around the garden would better off sticking to what he has used.  He probably losses the odd dB or so by bending it around.  When you're S9+ does it matter?  With the inverted L you might work the odd JA but not a load of Gs.

I have over the years used dipoles ranging from 33 feet up to 60 feet plus and I wouldn't say there was a great difference in my scores.

If only I lived in Nottingham!!!

73 de Jim G3RTE


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