[UK-CONTEST] Score publishing

Justin Snow justin at g4tsh.demon.co.uk
Tue Jun 13 17:17:14 EDT 2006

At 21:44 13/06/06 +0100, G3SJJ wrote:
>On a technical basis, I would tend to go with Justin on this one, Bob. 
>Unless you re-specify Cabrillo for UK-sponsored contests and require all 
>entrants to submit a scored log by having them add a points column, it 
>is time consuming to produce a claimed score listing. Having said that, 
>I have thought for a long time that from a "marketing" point of view 
>(and one which HFCC does seem to have a low interest in) it is really 
>vital that a claimed or final listing is published rapidly to maintain 
>the momentum of the event which is just happened.

I don't see how publishing claimed scores a few weeks after the event
maintains any more interest in the final result 6 months later than not
publishing them.

>Interestingly, Justin's latest posting confirms my thoughts. Justin, 
>claimed score listings are important to maintain the immediate interest. 
>An accurately adjudicated final listing 6 months after the event might 
>be technically superior but most people want to see how they faired and 
>how they compared within a few weeks if not days. Most of the time, the 
>final listing is very close to the claimed listing, with maybe a few 
>position changes, and anyway it is fairly easy to gauge those. For 
>example, based on a typical 2.5% error rate, if you are say 5% higher 
>than the person below, you should retain that placing, or may be even 
>move up. For me, if I am not in award contention then I am more 
>interested in this aspect rather than being made to wait until the final 
>technically honed listing.

>(A few years ago G3VHB and myself produced the final results for SSB FD 
>within a few days of the closing date for entries, so it can be done!)

Try repeating that feat for all our contests throughout the year.

>Pre-Cabrillo it was easier, 

Eh? how come?
I don't think it has got any worse or better actually, just different.

but the tasks are still the same and last 
>years final listing will contain most of the callsigns in this years, so 
>producing a list of entrants is simple. 

Like Bob, you seem to have missed the point of where the hard work is.

I guess it really does come down 

>to whether you are interested in a clinically, technically accurate 
>final result or whether you go for the "marketing" aspect.

Well marketing is about bullshit, so I guess your spot on there.  If you
are right then I guess contesters don't actually want us to adjudicate the
logs.  Just send us your claimed score and we will publish it, you could
even not enter the contest and make it all up!  Heck, it would make my life
a lot easier.. 


Justin Snow  G4TSH

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