[UK-CONTEST] club calls

Steve Bunting stephen.bunting at virgin.net
Sun Nov 12 16:57:21 EST 2006


As a portable participant in this year’s club calls contest (68 QSOs, a 
non starting generator and a man in his pants for the second year 
running – don’t ask), I am interested in the comment on the contest format.

What do proponents of an easier format hope to achieve? Increased rates? 
I worked 11 stations in the last hour so I would suggest the activity 
doesn’t warrant that at the moment. Will an easier exchange increase 
activity? Would the casual or new contester feel that shouting “59 14” 
to people in exotic places such a Loughborough, Lewisham and Lewes make 
feel that it is another meaningless event with a meaningless exchange? 
Don’t forget the nuances of the contesters’ skill are not obvious to the 
average radio amateur (whoever that may be).

I feel that the RSGB calendar demands events such as this; 
diversification spreads risk and promotes innovation. I think the 80M 
Club championship and 2m UKAC have shown this admirably and are a credit 
to all concerned.

As I appear to have swallowed a management text book, I will shamefully 
re-engage lurker mode for another year.

PS M0MCX – I quite enjoyed our difficult QSO
PPS I gave a QRA locator to one person as part of the exchange by 
mistake, sorry if the reader subscribes here. Is there a radio 
equivalent of the bends that I should be aware of as I rapidly re-climb 
the radio spectrum for the 432MHz contest this week?

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