Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Thu Aug 16 10:51:55 EDT 2007

On 16 Aug 2007 at 15:10, Paul_group wrote:

> > I was shocked to see a letter in the current RADCOM, regarding VHF
> > FD
> Shocked! - blimey you need to get out more :-)

I would tend to agree with Paul GW8IZR that the reaction in the 
original posting was a bit unfair. Compared with some of the other 
letters in this month's issue it is quite reasonable... But I maybe 
do think the rules of VHF field day do not encourage the casual 
participation they used to do. I used to join our local club on their 
annual pilgrimage to Dorset as G4BRA/P, and while they had a seperate 
CW section on 4m used to get at least something out of the weekend. 
When they scrapped that section I lost interest, being a CW addict. 
The chaps who go down there seem to enjoy themselves but very few of 
them have become serious ops, VHF or HF. But I myself have never ever 
been interested in VHF, far less in 70cm or 23cm....

I note also the letter from G4JNH about SSB on 30m. This issue seems 
to crop up from time to time. Although I share his views that there 
may be a case for a narrow SSB slot, I do not share the suggestion 
that the band is under-used. If such a move is made (and I guess it 
would have to be via IARU) then 10.125-10140 is a more reasonable 
boundary as there is usually plenty of cw activity up to above 10120. 
Being still a shared band there is also the problem of dodging the 
commercial boys which makes some parts unusable.

Maybe not an issue for ukcontest though, as there are no contests 
down there!


73 Dave G3YMC


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