[UK-CONTEST] Qsls again

Paul pasquet g4rra at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 16 11:12:47 EST 2007

My interest in QSL cards gos back to my days as a short wave listener.

cards that I recieved from all over the world during those days of my
youth fired up my enthusiasm for the hobby enormously,and eventually
led to me getting my licence.

I remember the magic of getting a card from someone that I had heard on my old Heathkit reciever .
a 13 year old schoolboy it really did make my day to get a card,and I
well remember those stations that bothered to reply and give me
encouragement,usually with a little note written on the card.

 I know i should have grown out of it by now,but that magic has never left me.

LOTW confirms the slots,but leaves out the soul.........those small handwritten messages on cards really matter.

At least they do to me.

Paul G4RRA

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