[UK-CONTEST] 160m Club Calls
Dave Sergeant
dave at davesergeant.com
Fri Jan 5 02:18:30 EST 2007
On 4 Jan 2007 at 22:35, Callum M0MCX wrote:
> Sorry to bring this old chestnut up again, it's just that someone has
> recently asked in the CDXC Yahoo reflector about getting in touch with
> Reading Radio Club. I did a search on Google just to be inquisitive
> and I noticed that there's a Reading Radio Club -AND- a Reading and
> District Amateur Radio Club.
> Now I realise why my contest log wasn't "accurate enough" for
> scrutinizers after its submission for the Club Calls contest. I had
> marked too many of my READING club entries, "READING" when in fact I
> should have been more specific (eg Radio Club or DARC).
> It's the first time I entered that contest - with a compromise
> "estate" antenna (in other words, bloody difficult conditions!) and
> now the penny has really dropped; the aims of the contest -vs- the
> difficulty of 160m -vs- the pedantically scrutinised exchange = I'll
> not be entering that one again.
I find this thread (and its CDXC version) almost mindboggling....
As far as the contest is concerned, you are supposed to write down
what the station sent you. If he just sent 'Reading' that is what you
put. If he said 'Reading and District Amateur Radio Club QRP Section'
you are supposed to write that all down letter for letter... I
suspect the adjudicator has a bit of common sense though...
There are countless ways of finding the contact for any RSGB club.
RadCom Club News where they always appear, The RSGB website, even our
Bracknell club site has a direct link. Or two seconds with Google. In
case you haven't found it yet:
http://www.radarc.org/Committee.htm has the full committee and the
secretary is G3NGX with an email link.
Gosh I thought amateur radio was getting easier...
73 Dave G3YMC
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