[UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth Contest 12 Hour Section

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 13 08:50:31 EST 2007

This contest lends itself ideally to having a 12 hour section 
particularly for the UK where we are at a distinct disadvantage to 
non-UK participants and it is therefore somewhat disappointing that the 
section isn't given more prominence. The title "Restricted" was 
certainly confusing before so the change to "12 Hour" is welcome. Pity 
that the winner of the Ross Cary Trophy for top 12 hour UK station was 
not given a mention in last year's reports, and again in the run-up this 
year it seemed to be played down.

As Ian GM3SEK noted, there is an interesting technique in choosing when 
to take breaks, annoyingly for me, whilst we both chose a similar 
pattern, particularly for HF band openings, Ian has beaten me, as did 
Chris G3VHB last year. Given that there is some continued competition I 
could be convinced to try again next year!

Anyway, well done Ian. Here are the comparative scores (16 of my Qs were 
non-Commonwealth) Chris G3SJJ

G3SJJ      Q     B
80         19   18
40         62   44
20         93   44
15         17   17
10          1    1
          192  124  =  3355

GM3SEK      Q     B
80          12   11
40          40   37
20          94   56
15          23   22
10           3    3
            ==   ==
            172  129 =  3440

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