[UK-CONTEST] BERU 2007 - GM3WOJ etc...

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Thu Mar 15 12:50:07 EST 2007

Chris, spare a thought for the UK guys with the more basic antennas 
setup, eg G5RV/2 at 25ft who are forced at accept just 5 or 6 QSOs an 
hour, and then be told real men operate for 24 hours!!

G3SXW's article in CDXC journal received today rings very true. Whilst 
the scoring for BERU might still hold good, operating techniques have 
changed. Indeed I have just simulated some CQs and QSOs on a J38 
straight key, (which I don't use but won at a raffle last year!)  I 
reckon you would have been pretty busy back in the 70's at 12-16 Qs an 
hour, and steady at 5-6 an hour.

Roger is correct, operating techniques have changed. Average speed is 
higher and message content has reduced. I did hear some 73s and dit dits 
which the CDXC guys class as gentlemanly!!!! I even reverted to sending 
BERU purely to waste some time.

Roger suggests reducing the length of time RSGB contests and I would 
back that proposal except for CwC. Let the 24 hour guys continue CQing 
if they wish, but give more backing and emphasis to the 12 Hour Section 
for UK stations.

The rules don't permit UK stations to work 50% of the active 
participants so it is only fair to encourage them to enter the 12 Hour 
section. Seems a reasonable compromise for a start. Let's see a 12 Hour 
UK Section table in the results this year and photos of the trophy 
winner with comments on 12 hour strategy.

Chris G3SJJ

Chris Tran wrote:
> Hello all
> My preparations for BERU were completely out of proportion to the results - 
> I decided to use this contest as an incentive to re-establish most of the 
> antennas at this QTH. Conditions were 'average' from here, but activity 
> seemed boosted by the team competition. Made 245 QSOs for 4615 pts overall - 
> 80 and 40 were the weak link this time.
> Setting aside Dave's smokescreen about whether or not GM should be a 
> separate entity (of course it should be - maybe even should have a separate 
> ITU callsign block - we have more autonomy than many other 'countries') - it 
> is hard to disagree with Rob's questioning - for some the appeal of BERU is 
> that the rules have not changed in years, but as with most things it should 
> evolve.  Thoughtful re-structuring of the rules would retain the 'DX 
> contest' appeal, yet make it more interesting to everyone in the UK who 
> thinks a QSO rate of 10-12 an hour is not really the best way to spend 24 
> hrs.
> Lastly - an apology - as a rare participant in CC contests, I remembered 
> last night's event at 1957hrs - rushed into the shack and switched on the 
> station, including my amplifier. During a chat on the phone afterwards Gavin 
> mentioned that the rules specify 100W, and I said 'Oh'   So - apologies to 
> anyone for QRM - even though I was just giving out points it does not help 
> to run QRO for this.
> 73
> Chris    GM3WOJ 
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