[UK-CONTEST] April 2007 Radcom letters

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Fri Mar 30 03:36:05 EST 2007

Chris Tran wrote:
>Hello all
>April 2007 Radcom - I am disappointed to see that 3 out of 9 letters in 'The
>Last Word - Letters' are what I would consider 'anti-contest'.  The general
>attacks on Don G3XTT's calm and reasoned arguments are sad - also there
>seems to be a measure of interpretation of what has been written to suit the
>correspondent's point of view.
>I have very little sympathy for those who can't seem to make the slightest
>effort to have QSOs other than on empty bands. Their attitude seems to be
>that all contests are a disruption and that contesters are deliberately
>clogging the bands up with worthless QSOs.  The reality is that in 2007 :-
>1. Contesters are the most motivated group in amateur radio
>2. Contesters have to have a high degree of technical expertise to be
>3. Contesting has spawned many recent technical developments
>4. Contesters are constantly self-evaluating and improving their operating,
>equipment and antennas
>5. Contesters will persevere with operating under poor propagation
>conditions, QRM, etc.
>6. A good contest station makes day-to-day DXing easy

The antis know nothing about all that, because all they ever hear is the 
"59"  bit.

It's entirely up to us to publicise everything else that makes 
contesting worthwhile: the self-training and technical development, the 
pleasure of doing something hard and doing it well, and the strong 
world-wide sense of community. All that stuff... things that people will 
never find out about unless somebody TELLS them.

In that regard, I've found contesting to be a lot like moonbounce - very 
little may be exchanged over the air, but that isn't the point. When you 
work somebody whom you *know* shares the same goals as yourself, and has 
put in the same kind of effort, then a few weak dots or a quick "599" 
are actually carrying a lot of important traffic.

Don't ever let anybody dismiss that as "worthless".


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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