[UK-CONTEST] CQWW CW tiny weeny pistol entry (it was very cold here !)

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Tue Dec 2 04:06:04 EST 2008

More teeny pistols from here at G3YMC - not in the frozen north though 
it was a little chilly in the shack at times...

Instead of my usual all band QRP entry I decided to do a single band 
20m effort for a change. I tossed up between 40m and 20m but decided on 
the latter as I didn't think I could stand two full night shifts, and 
the other bands would be pointless with my setup. 20m worked out great 
for a fully daytime operation, the band was effectively dead between 
6pm and 6am.

K2 running 5W into my low 65ft longwire. 340 QSOs, 73 mults, 47158 
points, no real dx but managed most of the caribbean guys and a single 
JA. OX and TF gave me 2 zone 40 slots. Certainly hard going on QRP but 

73 Dave G3YMC


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