G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 13 14:13:30 EST 2008

279, no dupes.   Hourly rates were 110,76, 53 and 40.

Everything went really well so the only excuse I can come up with is 
lack of antenna height as usual. I got one end up to 60ft and the other 
at about 50ft, but with the centre just at 57ft it is not competitive, 
even more so in the SSB leg. (Thought I would get my excuse in early!) 
Even the jammer who appeared at the end of the first hour didn't worry 
me. He started by sending a few dashes, then a long string and then 
something that I presume was a data mode. I had the 250Hz filter in 
anyway so just moved slightly and got rid of him. He came back later but 
again no prob. Coincidentally I heard the station who I think is the 
jammer on Friday in QSO on 80 CW!
Key clix were noticeable from a couple of stations, one with a very high 
score and one GM station.  Only non EU was 5B4AGN and a UA0. Inter UK 
propagation seemed very good. N1MM worked a treat, very smooth, no 
keying probs or speed changes. Only the occasional c---k up when using 
the paddle.

Chris G3SJJ

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