[UK-CONTEST] GB7HQ support

CHRIS COLCLOUGH chrisg1vdp at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 15 14:26:06 EDT 2008

I agree with Cris. I am mostly HF DX orientated, and Don's page has now dropped to 2 pages. Every now and again there is a write up on a DXpedition. But RadCom is mostly construction and technical articles, which do not interest me one little bit - unless it is on antennas that I may find useful.
  But I also enjoy contesting, and worked all 12 slots over the weekend as we all seem to be adding this in, and would love to see more articles on this side of the hobby. But if no one writes them then how will they get published? I am not experienced enough, nor enter enough contests to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) to have a go. Although I have had some articles published in other publications.
  What my friends and I see is that it is the same faces and -dare I say it - older members that are featured each month. When we do submit information or articles/photo's they never get used. 
  For example last year we put on what we thought was a competitive attempt in the  CQWW Phone contest from a friends farm in West Wales. None of us had ever done this in a group of this size before, and we certainly had not put 6 HF stations running legal limit on before. We had some new guys who had never entered a contest before, and even though we spoke to each other some of us had never met face to face. This did not stop us having fun and commiting ourselves to having another go this year. But when we submitted the write up and photos for inclusion in any of the magazines it is not used. 
  If I remember right some one mentioned encouraging people to take part in contests, and even trying to get new blood into the hobby (whether contesting, VHF, or construction) it is getting hard. Maybe this is because of what I say is true, it is still looked upon as slightly "elitist" to use a word that has been used somewhere on here before. 
  And why don't we pro contestors put pen to paper to extol the virtues of contesting, not giving the anti contesting brigade the pages to have their letters published? Surely if the RSGB is the democratic society that Colin and others have said it is then they too will get into the "Last Word".
  Time to duck under the desk to avoid the flak coming my way!
  Chris Colclough

"gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk" <gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
  [and to David Barber and David M0ZLB in particular]

I fear that both of you have not understood what I wrote about RadCom.

It was not a criticism of its overall content - far from it.

Please read Para 3 again - especially the first sentence viz ... "it 
doesn't matter a fig that 
sometimes at least half of the content is of no particular interest to 
this reader ..."

That comment was intended to reflect the fact that it does contain a 
diverse mix of interests, which is great.

I know of no other place within its covers than "The Last Word" where 
negative, sterile aspects are too often brought to light - and that's 
my gripe.

73 Cris


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