[UK-CONTEST] Contests - It's what we all did..

Paul_group paul_group at greenrover.demon.co.uk
Fri Jul 18 06:15:26 EDT 2008

  Ken Eastty wrote:
> I don't recall ever being introduced to contesting it was just something
> that we (recently licensed amateurs) nearly all did - 

It was fantastic .. as a young new amateur the chance to "mix it" with 
the big guns, use equipment that I couldn't afford myself, use antennas 
that I couldn't put up at home.. it was bliss.

Ok our then contest station was fairly poor compared to even a moderate 
dx station these days, we never won a thing.. we were out most weekends 
and blimey it was good fun!

Cycle to the site, set up the station, operate for 24 hours , cycle home 
... sleep!

I honestly cannot recall anything in our club along the lines of 
jealousy or bad feeling toward contests, quite the reverse.

Years later I've heard our ex-chairman talking about "blarsted 
contests.." and hear constant moaning about "yet another boring article 
in Radcom about contests.."

Of course we are not supposed to enjoy winning things these days, maybe 
that's one of the reasons our children appear to be turning into useless 
fat knife wielding thugs?

/rant :-)

73 de Paul GW8IZR IO73TI

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