Tammie Evans m3enf at dsl.pipex.com
Tue Jul 29 05:43:16 EDT 2008

Hello again everyone!

Well I decided to take part this year and even managed to be "on-air" 
most of the night (fell asleep a number of times in the chair).  I 
probably haven't done as well as most but managed 83 contacts in total 
and only 42 or so were islands... but I am pleased with my weekend and 
very much look forward to IOTA 2009!

Three of us decided to put up a new 40m wire aerial - which we managed 
(one end up a tree, one end on top of a tower and the middle pulled up 
by a string in a tree!) - but unfortunately on testing with an MFJ 
analyser wasn't good - so I was just using my Hustler 6-BTV and a 
"borrowed" V.

Still, as a "newbie" it was great fun!!!

73 Tammie M3ENF

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