John Reynolds g3rsd at btinternet.com
Wed Nov 12 11:03:14 EST 2008

Like Phil, GU0SUP  I entered the WAE RTTY Contest last weekend and I must pay tribute to the patience of the OP'S across the pond for their tollerance in receiving QTC'S from a station running 50 watts to a dipole.  I recall one batch which I sent required repeats for 4 out of the 10 exchanges.  
Sending and receiving using RTTY is comparatively easy compared to receiving QTC'S in CW which are often sent at an alarming speed.
During the contest my XLY was typing away on her computer, a tower configuration to a TFT screen situated across the room from me when she suddenly exclaimed "look at my screen".... it had rotated ninety degrees, I suggested she must have caught the wrong keys somehow. 
With difficulty all was restored to normal......however.....later on the same thing happened again and I was transmitting at the time, so quite obviously RF was getting into her computer.................not good for gaining brownie points!!! 
I have got some ferrite clip ons and would appreciate advise on where best to use them, considering the nest of wires coming out of the tower.
I have often read of expeditions having this problem but this is the first time I have encountered it, and any guidance would be appreciated either direct or otherwise.
I am sure others may like to have such info.
 Regards to all.
John G3RSD

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