[UK-CONTEST] WAE Contest Help

john reynolds g3rsd at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 7 08:09:31 PDT 2009

Further to Ken G0ORH's questions about logging QTC's and Nigel's reply advocating the use of paper logging unless you are a proficient touch typist.

I have used the method of copying to paper and then immediately entering into the QTC Box.

I have already prepared a typist's note book and entered numbers 1 to 10 down the left hand side of a number of pages starting about a quarter way down the page.............then when taking down a QTC
you can immediately enter the call sign and band and the QTC serial number in the space at the top of the page and follow on to enter the data of each QSO on the correct line.

If you need to ask for a repeat you can quickly identify what line you require and it also helps to know if you have received the full number of QSO's  being transferred.
You also need to keep a record of the Stations from whom you have received 10 QSO's to avoid asking them again  

Have a go Ken and good hunting.

John G3RSD

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