[UK-CONTEST] Re GW7HOA/P - I'm disappointed

James Hill jrh at g0fhm.net
Tue Aug 18 14:22:29 PDT 2009


Seeing as everybody who has vented on this particular subject has chosen 
to do it in public, then here is my 2 pennorth.

I sit on no particular fence here, and have no particular bias, one way 
or the other, let's be very clear about that from the beginning.

I'm shocked and deeply upset that grown individuals should resort to 
such low down tactics. Ok, the original poster vented his spleen. No 
names/callsigns were mentioned, but certain individuals took it upon 
themselves to turn this nasty. There may be history between the original 
poster and the group of contesters in question (and, the Contest 
Committee possibly?). That should stay between them, and them only, and 
not be bought to bear for the rest of the reflector to read. Likewise, 
any personal thoughts regarding other members should be kept between the 
individuals concerned (ie PRIVATE).

And, I'm deeply saddened by the actions of 2 individuals, who were up 
until this (in my eyes anyway) respected individuals within the RSGB.

Dave, M0OBW -

By all means defend your groups actions. However, the opening paragraph 
contains some seriously inappropriate remarks regarding a fellow 
amateur, bordering on libellous and defamatory. Who cares? I dont want 
to know the history of another amateur, any more than  any of you would 
want to know mine. I feel that this behaviour is VERY inappropriate for 
somebody holding the office of president-elect of our national society. 
I am very disappointed, and have no confidence in you after this little 

Don, G3XTT -

What can I say? I'm saddened that you saw fit to forward on a "unedited 
and unabridged" email that contained such material. Forward on M0OBW's 
defence of their actions by all means, but to include that first 
paragraph and it's potentially damaging comments, was sheer lunacy. In 
many peoples eyes, you have shown yourself to be of a level no higher 
than the president-elect, and have, in effect aided and abetted "the 
crime" (figure of speech - I am aware that no crime in law has been 
committed - except maybe Public Order Act 1986 S.5,1,B - A person is 
guilty of an offence if he:— Displays any writing, sign or other visible 
representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting).

All I want to do, is to read emails from this reflector regarding 
contesting. Most of the OT stuff is "passable", but there is a hard core 
of a few, who like to get involved in their own personal "flame wars", 
and degrade the experience for all of us.

Honestly, I'd expect that kind of behaviour from a playground full of 5 
year olds, but not from a group of 30/40/50/60/70+ something RADIO 
AMATEURS who are supposed to be GENTLEMEN and be good ambassadors for 
our hobby.

Get "ragchewing" at rallies etc, and it would appear that a lot of 
people hold the RSGB in very low esteem, and are lapsed members who have 
no intention of rejoining for whatever reason (and there are many). 
Conduct such as this is hardly going to do the society any good 
whatsoever, if word gets around that high up members are behaving in 
such a way.

This is my first and final word on this matter. Like I said at the 
beginning, I HAVE NO PARTICULAR ALLEIGANCE to any party in this matter, 
and all I wish to do, is register my shock and utter disgust at the way 
that certain individuals have seen fit to act.

Case closed, in my eyes.

James G0FHM

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