[UK-CONTEST] Death to the cluster!

Fred Handscombe fhandscombe at mailme.ae
Sun Dec 13 09:15:51 PST 2009

Is this not the same ON4xx station who name has been used by IARU in its
"Ethics and operating procedures for the radio Amateur", a copy of which was
recently circulated by CDXC?

Or is there another ONxxx winning 160m contests?

73 Fred

> A well-known Belgian amateur was in the habit of ringing people up he
> had worked on HF to set up skeds for rare multipliers in the CQWW 160m
> Contest. This was how he achieved very high scores and "won" the contest
> several times in the 1990s. It was quite obviously cheating and not
> allowable in the rules.
> As a postscript to this little tale. In the CQWW 160m contest, the year
> after ONxxx was "exposed" as a blatant cheat, I believe several very
> loud pirate ONxxx stations using his callsign were QRV simultaneously
> for many hours and effectively blew away his chances of repeating the
> feat.

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