[UK-CONTEST] AFS Contest Logs - Duplicate Indication question

Don Field don.field at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 16:21:39 EST 2009

(sorry, think I managed to send a blank email rather than this! Don)

Ian et al

I did not think in this day and age it was necessary to post a "formal
policy" over duplicate QSOs as I would have thought since the almost
universal adoption of Cabrillo (which does not allow QSOs to be marked as
dupes in any case) that it was well understood that claimed scores and the
marking dupes were not required. The concept is that the adjudicators take
care of all that in the scoring algorithm. All this is, in any case, covered
in my "Cabrillo Primer" which has been on the hfcc website for several years
now and has also appeared in the Yearbook.

That said, the Contest Committee is aware that it would be helpful to put on
the website some guidelines as to how contests are adjudicated and penalties
applied as this will help entrants to adjust their strategy accordingly (for
example, in CQWW contests, where the penalty for a busted QSO is 3 times the
QSO value, there is a strong incentive to be sure of the QSO data or, if not
sure, then not to log the QSO).

But we have yet to draw up a document that summarises our guidelines, as
historically there has been some flexibility in the way adjudicators have
operated and some differences in practice between the HF and VHF contest
committees. We are almost there and do intend to post something during the
course of 2009. Generally speaking, though, a "busted" QSO, busted for
whatever reason (incorrect copy of callsign, report, serial, locator or not
in other station's log) is simply negated. All the more reason to log dupes,
as the second QSO may actually have it right and score you some points if
the first is deemed to be "busted". Incidentally, to lay one old saw to rest
- we do not penalise for Unique QSOs unless there is good reason to do so (a
unique with a high serial number would raise a red flag for example!).

Hope this helps. Maybe a topic or two here for Tim Kirby's RadCom column!

Don Field G3XTT
Contest Committee Chairman

2009/1/13 Ian White GM3SEK <gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk>

> Paul O'Kane wrote:
> >
> >> Is it required to indicate duplicates in the log
> >
> >Not when you use a contest logger.  The Cabrillo format, now generally
> >accepted, has no provision for indicating points, mults or dupes in
> >contest QSOs.
> >
> >It is the responsibility of the the contest organisers to independently
> >score logs, and identify dupes.
> >
> Granted... so what exactly *are* the HFCC/VHFCC's formal policies about
> incorrect data and duplicate QSOs in Cabrillo logs?  (I can't find them
> in any expected location, and Google can't find them anywhere.)
> --
> 73 from Ian GM3SEK
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