[UK-CONTEST] Proposed change to UK Activity Contest

Andy Swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Wed Oct 21 02:44:58 PDT 2009

>>> On 21/10/2009 at 10:17, in message <4ADED19E.70204 at g0afh.com>, Ian Burns
<ian at g0afh.com> wrote:
> <Tin hat and flack jacket on...>
> If you want to increase what you can work from the edge, allow KST again.

I never disallowed it mate,   now <thinks>  who was it who disallowed it?  Wasn't it those folks in the centre of population?   Due to some spurious (never substantiated) claim of abuse?

<No tin hat and flack jacket required, they can't reach here>


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