[UK-CONTEST] CQWW SSB - Some thoughts

David Honey david at honeyfamily.org.uk
Tue Oct 27 12:06:32 PDT 2009

Sadly, this year there were also a number of stations who were 
calling USB within a 1Khz of the upper band edge on 20m and 15m. For 
example, VFO set to 14.3497 so that their sidebands would have 
extended up to 14.3524 at least. Even when several stations tell them 
they are TXing out of band, they just ignore it and continue. To add 
insult to injury, people were answering their calls, so in breach of 
their license conditions too. It seems that knowledge of the ITU 
rules on keeping all your transmissions including sidebands within 
the band is not well understood among CQ WW contesters, and even 
those that do understand it, many deliberately choose to ignore them. 
If CQ required that all logs had frequencies and not just bands, they 
could annul all contacts that were out of band in this way. This 
would reduce the incidence of this. But CQ doesn't seem to care about 
this, despite the contest rules saying otherwise.

BTW, I'm not anti-contest. On the contrary, there are many contests 
that I enjoy. But it does seem to bring out the worst in some.

vy 73 de David M0DHO

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