[UK-CONTEST] DQRM in contests

David Honey david at honeyfamily.org.uk
Thu Apr 15 02:10:22 PDT 2010

I sympathize Andy. Often the best thing to do is to QSY after a while
rather than tough it out.

I can remember in SSB field day a few years back, RADARC was operating
several stations from the same tent. Things tend to go quiet at 03:00.
A fellow operator was calling CQ on 80, and a station kept coming back with
comments like "Why do you keep calling?", and "You cannot cook here".
Given the lack of activity I tuned to the same frequency to listen in to the
comments just for aumusement. Sounded like a PA or DL station, and of
course, no station idents even when asked. So we had to say to them, we're
not allowed to speak to pirates. They eventually got tired and gave up after
about 15 minutes. The odd thing was that at that time of the morning there
was plenty of space on the band for them to have a QSO. Seemed like
they just wanted to pick a fight. :-(

73 de David M0DHO

At 09:57 15/04/2010, Andy P Hewitt wrote:
>Last night I took part in the SSB contest and decided to look for a
>frequency towards the top of the band, I normally hang out just below 3650.
>I chose 3762 which was clear at 18:30Z and worked very well for me with the
>highest rate I have had in these contests since they started. That was until
>19:50Z when all hell was let loose!
>  "THEY" started DQRM. It started with one station calling CONFLICT right on
>top of me then another joined in the sport calling CORNFLAKES, then I had

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