[UK-CONTEST] Fwd: PSK & RSGB 80M CC Events - ( was QRM on the PSK freq)

Dave H davekh at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 01:00:42 PDT 2010

(my emailer reply chooses the posters email address - so I've forwarded this
to the listserver.)

I can understand the 'slow' side of that - you should try the CIS PSK63
contest in September or even Februarys EPC ww PSK125 - much more normal in
a contest context - the PSK31 one could certainly be used as an intriduction
to digimode contesting, perhaps there is an elelment of learning or
introduction intended in its inclusion? Slow contesting is certainly not the
norm, everyone to their taste though.

I'd say PSK31 is now globally a mainstream mode (maybe not in RSGB ranks?)
and with modern software its yet another way to 'send a different sound,
make a different mode' as a friend of mine sarcastically referred to
digimodes these days. The PSK section of 20 meters is often still active
(with cw) when the rtty section has gone to sleep. A huge percentage of my
contacts have been RTTY but I have to admit having been able to work
stations on PSK mode that rtty was just too broken up to work.

73s Dave H
(also G6VSG)
http://www.eQSL.cc/Member.cfm?G0CER <http://www.eqsl.cc/Member.cfm?G0CER>

73s Dave H
(also G6VSG)

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