[UK-CONTEST] RSGB Contest Committee

Andy GD0TEP andy at gd0tep.com
Sat Aug 7 14:39:54 PDT 2010

Further to this debate...

It seems very apparent that it doesn't matter what report is sent as 59(9)
will be logged and accepted as OK in the scoring. 

To send, or not send a serial number... Lets make it easy... how about not
sending either a report or serial number... And, if it's IOTA then the IOTA
reference will be part of the super check partial database that's within the
logging programme, so all you really need is the callsign.

How about this as a suggestion for an exchange: G9ABC Hi!, and provided
G9ABC says Hi back, then QRZ... But then that might to difficult, I suppose
it might be easier if we dropped the 'Hi' and just sent the other guys
call.... or would that be to easy?


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