[UK-CONTEST] RSGB Contest Committee
cris at gm4fam.plus.com
cris at gm4fam.plus.com
Sun Aug 8 13:38:26 PDT 2010
Roger SXW is 100% right.
Can someone please explain to this simple soul why changing anything to
affect an ever increasingly well supported event will make it more popular
than it is already ? Just what is wrong with IOTA's steady growth? Has
any opinion been sought from non-Island operators?
Sounds like we are on the verge of a modern-age British phenomenon ie
"steady chaps, this is all going too well - how can we screw it up a bit"?
Or even the Japanese golf experience - they just loved the concept of
hitting a little white ball until it went into a wee hole in the grass,
and were getting very good at it; then some bright spark called in a
sports psychologist a few 1000 miles west of here to tell them what a
complicated game it really is, with the only predictable result.
73 Cris
> Paul - you are repeating yourself, old man! Your case for IOTA stations
> may
> have some logic, but this is how it'd look for non-IOTAs:
> You: DL1AA
> Me: DL1AA E (you log 5)
> You: A (I log 1)
> Me: TU F5AA
> Pretty silly! At bare minimum there must be (now it's me repeating) at
> least two exchange-elements: signal report, serial number or IOTA
> reference.
> Or force call-sign exchange at every transmission - no thanks! Or IOTA
> stations drop RST but non-IOTA still send it. Also pretty daft! There has
> never been a contest with only ONE exchange-element - for good reason!
> It's
> too late to exclude non-IOTA/non-IOTA contacts from the contest.
> The broader issue here is QSO rate. If we CQ with replies every five
> minutes
> then this discussion is irrelevant. But running three QSOs per minute at
> 33wpm requires skill & accuracy and where the QSO 'shape' is essential.
> Let's encourage operating-skills, not revert to the old days of 'Hello old
> man, nice signal, 579 peaking S8'.
> Back to basics: it ain't broke, it's hugely popular, growing like
> wild-fire,
> could become the biggest contest in the world after CQWW. Let's not mess
> with it for minor gain! Drop it, mate!
> 73 de Roger/G3SXW.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul O'Kane" <pokane at ei5di.com>
> To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2010 1:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] RSGB Contest Committee
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Andy Cook G4PIQ" <g4piq at btinternet.com>
>>> RST adds structure and makes us look a little less
>>> ridiculous to non-contesters.
>> I'd suggest that it's precisely the meaningless
>> exchange of 59(9) in IOTA and other major HF
>> contests that makes us look ridiculous to non-
>> contesters and to many VHF+ contesters?
>> Does anyone disagree?
>> As for structure, we all know that when we call
>> another station and hear our callsign, we expect
>> to have to log whatever comes after the callsign.
>> None of us needs extra time to get ready - we are
>> contesters, and the Sprints have already shown
>> that "what you don't expect, you don't miss".
>> At the risk of stating the obvious, the only way
>> to shorten the IOTA exchange is to remove one or
>> more of the exchange elements.
>> The IOTA Reference has to stay because it affects
>> points and multipliers. The leaves 5NN or Serial
>> to be dropped - and why drop an element that has
>> to be copied on-air, and can't be pre-filled by
>> logging software?
>> Here's what the structure of an IOTA QSO would
>> look like.
>> You: G2XYZ
>> Me: G2XYZ 091 EU115 (you log 091 EU115)
>> You: 026 EU5 (I log 026 EU5)
>> Me: TU EI5DI
>> A change too far? Hardly!
>> 73,
>> Paul EI5DI
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