[UK-CONTEST] Wind Turbines..

Ken Eastty ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 12 01:49:05 PST 2010

> This brings several issues that need consideration (property
> value, potential for holiday letting, could such a visually intrusive
> proposal be accepted when my aerials were rejected, etc.)

A local amateur was successful with the planning application for his 
tower because living close to the local football ground his tower
was thought to have a much lower visual impact than the four tall
lighting towers at the ground (one of the few benefits of living close 
to a football ground?)
Reading the 'blurb' on the proposed windfarm I noticed under the heading 
of "Wind Farm Myths, Myth 7: Wind produces little power:
A single 1.8-megawatt turbine can produce enough power for 1,000 homes". 
Maths was never my best subject so perhaps someone else can confirm that 
1.8 x 10^6/10^3 = 1.8kW per house or am I making a basic mistake? (1.8kW 
- not even enough to run some linears!)




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