[UK-CONTEST] 1.8 MHz 1st Test 2010

Dave Lawley dave at g4buo.com
Sun Feb 14 02:05:46 PST 2010

> I'm not sure where to send the
> log to as the HFCC link is broken, can someone post it here if possible
> please.

There were ISP problems yesterday evening, but www.rsgbcc.org certainly 
looks to be available this morning (Sunday, 10am)

The url for the contest entry robot for HF contest logs is

I had a play in the contest, made 100 Qs in about 90 minutes operating 
and was pleased to be called by NP4A just after 11pm. I've recently been 
looking at the logs of my 'Elmer', Jack G6BQ, who was a specialist in 
the RSGB topband contests. Boy, have things moved on since his day and I 
wonder what he would make of all the co-channel transatlantic QSOs that 
are possible these days.

Dave G4BUO

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