[UK-CONTEST] 70cm Rigs

Ray Hills g3hrh at btinternet.com
Mon Feb 22 07:47:46 PST 2010


I use an FT726 here with an SSB head-amp up at the antenna which is a square 
bay of 4 11 el Yagis.  The FT736 is a later model, more expensive and I 
don't think it is any better.  Either gives you the three bands 50, 144 and 
432 if you have the right modules installed.  There are probably only two 
issues. Noise factor - which the SSB takes care of - and dynamic range to 
avoid spreading of nearby strong stations.  But maybe you don't have any of 
those !!  Either radio delivers 10 watts on all three bands.  I have an 
intermediate brick on 432 to provide sufficient drive to a K2RIW at 400 
watts output.  On the other two bands barefoot delivers enough drive.

Ray G3HRH 

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