Ian & Steph Fugler (G4IIY) zen90387 at zen.co.uk
Wed Feb 24 10:08:43 PST 2010

ARRL DX Contest, CW
Station: G4IIY
 Class: SOAB(A) HP
Operating Time (hrs): 15
 Band QSOs Mults
 160: 0 0
 80: 112 36
 40: 484 48
 20: 317 51
 15: 183 44
 10: 0 0
 Total: 1096 179 Total Score = 588,552

 Amazing conditions. It was just too bad that we had visitors staying all
 weekend and my radio time was severely curtailed. I missed the major
 openings on 20/15m because of other commitments.
 I am planning to do this one for real next year.

Highlight: working 30 Californians more or less in a row on 40m on Sunday morning.
Congratulations to Clive, Don, etc. on some great scores.

 FT1000MP, plus Explorer 1200 linear
Cushcraft A3S at 15m
Quarter wave verticals on 80m and 40m.
Ian, G4IIY


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