[UK-CONTEST] 70 MHz Trophy

Rob Harrison robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Jul 24 00:27:04 PDT 2010

I can see why the presence of Es during a contest is going to be seen a 
beneficial, more contacts and "exotic" DX.

But it does rather make the contest a lottery.

I've mentioned radial rings in other correspondance to VHFCC, but it was 
seen as a step back into the past. However if the system makes for more 
balanced scoring, why not a least try it again.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Eastty" <ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2010 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 70 MHz Trophy

> I completely disagree (especially as I don't work 6m & have no interest
> in the band apart from very occasional /P operation when on holiday).
> I really don't care whether there's an SpE opening or not during a 4m
> contest and I don't think that it makes sense to score points/km for SpE
> QSO's. We don't score in this way on the HF bands so why do so on VHF?
> It's easy to work DX via E's if you happen to be in the right spot even
> 20W of FM to an indoor vertical dipole can get you 1500 points or more,
> try working even 100kM under average tropo conditions with that sort of
> set up. Even with 160W of SSB and a big beam working 500km under average
> tropo conditions can be difficult but still only gets you 500 points.
> I think that there should be a limit to the maximum score for long
> distance QSO's via E's (or F2 if the MUF ever gets high enough again)
> perhaps it's time to go back to radial ring scoring.
> Discuss?
> 73...
> Ken
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 22:26:20 +0100
>> From: John Wilson<uk-contest at grebe.plus.com>
>> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 70MHz trophy contest
>> The best way to get this contest into the optimum period for Es without
>> extra congestion in the calendar, would be to adopt my suggestion that I
>> put forward last year and run it concurrently with or as part of the 6m
>> Trophy contest.  If it stays independent then I think I prefer this
>> years date to the August one as the chances of Es are undoubtedly a bit
>> higher.
>> 73 John G3UUT
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