[UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth Contest 2010

Clive GM3POI gm3poi2 at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 16 03:37:09 PDT 2010

I agree with Dave's Comments. I have always wondered 
why there is a 12 hour section, when other Major 
contests do not ( expect RSGB) is it a British lowest 
common denominator thing. It does then become a 
lottery who manages to work the part timers, and 
dependant on part timers choosing the correct times 
to operate
 for propagation.  73 Clive GM3POI
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Sergeant" <dave at davesergeant.com>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth Contest 2010

> On 16 Mar 2010 at 9:05, cris at gm4fam.plus.com wrote:
>> With contacts now possible on 5 bands from these 
>> Northern climes
>> choosing operating times in the 12 hour section 
>> has become almost
>> impossibly difficult for score optimisation, so 
>> will do 24 hours next
>> year
> It is perhaps questionable whether the 12 hour 
> sections can really be
> justified in this sort of contest. I set out 
> intending to do 12 hours
> in a not very serious entry with no overnight 
> operating, but when I had
> finished I found I had actually done 14 hours. And 
> that was with some
> hours, especially on Saturday morning, only having 
> one or two QSOs. So
> I entered 24 hours (restricted). I thought I might 
> have qualified for
> the QRP certificate (which I see I won last year, 
> but don't seem to
> have actually received the bit of paper...) but it 
> seems from posts on
> GQRP there are some who exceeded my 71 QSOs.
> An enjoyable contest, just as the chance to work 
> some rarer stuff
> without the EU competition, but never one where I 
> would get anywhere
> near winning so I guess it doesn't really matter 
> what column I appear
> in.
> 73 Dave G3YMC
> http://www.davesergeant.com
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