[UK-CONTEST] BERU 12 hour section

cris at gm4fam.plus.com cris at gm4fam.plus.com
Tue Mar 16 04:33:00 PDT 2010

Believe you me the 12 hour is not a lowest common denominator thing at
this QTH - I spent the whole contest period awake while continually
adjusting the operating schedule - the only reason I do the reduced time
is because the antenna setup is just not competitive enough on HF to do
the full whack.

Next year things will be different and the lottery will be history ):

73 Cris

... when other Major contests do not ( expect RSGB) is it a British lowest
> common denominator thing. It does then become a
> lottery who manages to work the part timers, and
> dependant on part timers choosing the correct times
> to operate for propagation.  73 Clive GM3POI

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